Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Oh for crying out loud....I needz me sum a/c

It's a hot one out there folks. 102* right now. ugh....Thank God we have a/c here at work. It would be miserable with out it. Since I knew it was going to be possibly 105* today, I decided I had better turn on the a/c in the house so that it would be nice and chilly in there for the kitties and of course for the humans when they get home from work. OK.....it's mostly for the human comfort...anyway.....I went to turn on the a/c in the family room...and it won't turn on. WTS???? So I spent 10-15 minutes trying to get the dang thing to turn on. You can only turn it on with the remote, which is ridiculous, and it was not working. I decided that after 3 years the battery in the remote must have given out. This meant that I was going to have to run around on my lunch break trying to find the battery and then get home and turn on the a/c....hoping that that was the only problem. It was. THANK GOD THE A/C IS WORKING! I was none to happy this morning when I was trying to figure out what was wrong. I get a little overly frustrated when I am not able to get something to work right away. I'm not the most patient person when it comes to stuff like that. Put me on a plane or in a car for hours and hours and I'm fine. Give me a remote not working, a drawer too full that it won't close, tupperware that keeps falling out of the cabinet.....and you get a pissed middle aged woman on your hands. I kinda took it out on hubby this morning, which was not fair of me because its not his fault that the battery died. And what is he going to do about it when he is 20 miles away at work. He called me at work and said that he could come over at 11am or so and find the battery. I said I would take care of it. It just made me grumpy.
I need to work on that still.....


SabrinaTheArizonaDesertRose said...

It is a scorcher out there, for sure 108 in Corvallis right now.

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

oiy....that is just toooo hot!

Glynis said...

You are so lucky you only needed a battery. We need freon...or whatever it is that they use in AC nowadays... anyway, we have AC, but the house is still HOT! We left a message to see when someone can come out to service our AC. I'm afraid of what the answer will be. GULP!

Frank Dux said...

Blogs like this make me very happy I don't live at home anymore! Do not want to be around pissed mama

Sooz said...

We gots us NO A/C right now. We have a split level house, so the downstairs is staying cool, but our upstairs is ridiculously hot. Ugh.