Monday, March 29, 2010

Back to my old schedule....

Today is the beginning of me going back to my old schedule.
For 4 years I worked Mon-Tue-Wed.
Then in Dec of 08 they asked if I would work Mon-Wed-Fri.
I did that for a year.
In January I asked if I could go back to the original schedule, and I was told that I could.
The next day the admin person quit, so I have been full time since.
But now I'm back to my old schedule!
I'm so glad.
I really didn't mind the MWF because I liked having Tue off.
But I hated....HATED.....working Friday.
I really like my 4 day weekends, and now I have them back!
I feel so much relief knowing that I am going to get my 4 days in a row off again.
I can get so much more done.
And still have a day to myself.
Soooooo HAPPY!!!!!!!

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