Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am Thankful for....#06

OK....I'm done.
No I'm not.....COOOOOOKIESSSSS!!!!!
heh heh heh
I mostly bake cookies at Christmas time. Several dozen of different kinds. I want to try some new ones this year. I get cookie recipes sent to me every day during Christmas from (I think) the Food Network website. I signed up 2 years ago, so I have all these recipes saved up. Some of them I will never make, because they just don't sound that good. GASP! Did I just say that a cookie doesn't sound good? The horror.....
Last year the new cookie that I made was Cracker Jack Cookies. They were really yummy! My friend Donna gave me the recipe. Everyone loved them. Not sure if I will make those again this year or not. I really want to make new stuff. Everyone has their favorites though. Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Snickerdoodles, Spritz, No-Bake and these chocolate fudge ones that you roll in powdered sugar. Really yummy. Like little fudgey brownies. MMMMMM......
So we'll see. My goal is to find something really fun and make that this year. And maybe some of the favorites too :-)

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