Friday, November 20, 2009

I am Thankful for....#07

The Film Industry.
Today the second Twilight movie comes out. New Moon. Can't wait to see it! Actually......I can and will be waiting to see it. I don't want to have to fight the crowd of teens running in there to see it the first day...weekend....week maybe. I wanted to see the first movie, but Katie told me it would not make sense if I had not read the books. So she told me I had to read them first and brought over the first book. I read it in a day. I had to wait 2 days I think for her to bring the rest over, and promptly read all of those in 4 days. I could not put them down. Then we went and saw the first movie. It was OK, but you really needed to know the story before seeing it. I have heard that this second one is so much better, so I'm really looking forward to it.
I just love movies in general. I take my mom almost weekly to a movie. So we see a lot of them. Sometimes I will even go on my other day off when she is working. Either by myself or with Katie. I have even had my own private showing! That is fun...except the one time that I was the only one in the theater when I saw The Strangers. Not a good movie to see alone. It freaked me out! Here I was....sitting in the middle of the theater...alone....eeeeeeeek! Scary. At least one of the theater workers came in with their little red flashlight once. I don't mind going to the movies alone. I enjoy it actually. The only problem is that you don't have anyone to discuss the movie with afterwards. And let me tell you.....some movies need to be discussed afterwards. When hubby and I went to see a Nicholas Cage movie this year, I think it was called The Knowing, boy did we ever talk after the movie. We were both so pissed off that we wanted our money back! It was a pretty good movie, with pretty good special effects, but then the ended ruined the whole thing. was horrible!
So yah....I see a lot...A LOT...of movies.
I don't think I could ever give up going to the theater. Seeing the movie on the big screen makes it so much more special!
Don't you agree?!

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